1.1 The regulations of the accommodation facility are established to guarantee everyone a uniform, orderly, peaceful use of the same. It has a contractual nature between “” and the Guest and, therefore, the request to stay in the structure and the acceptance of this request by “” implies the total acceptance of these Regulations.

1.2 Failure to comply with the regulations and the other provisions of the management entails the removal from the structure of the offender and the related reporting of the fact to all national and international tourism organizations, unless also reported to the Public Authorities in the event that the non-compliance could possibly to suggest the commission of a crime.

1.3 All specific indications on the signs placed in the area owned and/or pertaining to the structure must also be respected.

1.4 Parents (or those who legally exercise their power) are jointly and severally responsible for the acts performed by their minor children within the structure and are required to supervise them and ensure that they maintain polite and respectful behavior towards others, under their own direct responsibility and, in particular, as regards the obbligation to respect silence, the correct use of the bathrooms, which cannot be considered play or meeting places, and of the equipment made available by the structure to its Guests. Any activity that may disturb other guests is prohibited. In general all the rules of this contract regulation must be respected.

1.5 The conduct carried out by both adults and minors is considered contractually relevant and, therefore, any violation of the rules of this regulation and the common rules of civil coexistence and good performance of the structure will result, according to the judgment contractually requested by via unappealable to the Management, the immediate termination of the contract by fact of the Guest and the removal from the struucture within 5 hours from the dispute of the facts. In this case, the Management is entitled to withhold the sums already paid and to demand the remaining sums, also by way of compensation for the damage, except for the right to compensation for the greater damage ascertained.

2.1 Upon arrival, guests will have their room assigned as the booking.

2.2 Minors unaccompained by persons of legal age will be accepted only if in possession of a release signed by their parents (or by those who legally exercise their power), with their telephone contact number and copyof their document.

2.3 The Management, as required by the current laws of the Italian Republic, has the right to expel without notice anyone who does not respect the regulation or behaves in such a way as to cause damage or disturbance.

2.4 The hotel rooms are available from 12:00 on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 10:00 on the day of departure. Rates are per day, regardless of the time of entry.


3.1 Small dogs, cats and other pets are allowed in the structure, upon communication and agreement.


Breakfast is consumed at the affiliated facilities that will be communicated at the time of booking.


5.1 On the day of departure, the rooms must be vacated by 10:00 and the cards of the same must be left in the room badge reader or to the staff responsible for checking the data in use (please give notice of any breakages, etc.).


6.1 Customers can use the services of the structure within the maximum time of release of the rooms, or by 10:00 on the dayof departure.

6.2 At the sole discretion of the management, customers can be granted full or partial use of the structure's services (common areas...) even after 10:00 on the day of departure. In the event of obtaining the aforementioned concession, customers are required to comply with the provisions of this regulation and the regulations in force until the moment of departure.

7.1 The telephone numbers of the medical guard and the emergency room are contained in the list of useful numbers available in the room and in the common tavern.

7.2 – Every infectious disease must be promptly communicated to the managemnet.

8.1 – The garbage must be collected in the appropriate collection buckets located in the bedrooms, in the bathrooms of the bedrooms and in the common areas.

8.2 – The change of linen provided (sheets and towels) and the cleaning of the room are carried out every three days. If the the Guest wishes to request cleaning and daily change, a supplement of € 15,00 per day will be applied.

9.1 The Management of the structure is not responsible for the shortage of objects and/or values of the guests (each Guest is required to take care of the custody of the objects they own), for damages resulting from events of force majeure and the nature of the thing (weather events, natural disasters, epidemics, diseases, fall of trees or branches or products that are part of the nature of plants, gusts of wind, damage or car theft in the parking area and in the structure area). For no reason, at the time of departure, discounts will be recognized to cover any or alleged inefficiencies that may occur as a result of the events described above.


10.4 For cancellations we change the full amount foreseen for the stay, for "NON REFUNDABLE" reservations, otherwise a percentage of the fee will be refunded as indicated in the booking form at the time of purchase on the website.


11.1 In the hours 13:00 to 15:00 and 23:00 to 07:00 any noise that may disturb the rest of the guests, including a high tone of voice, is prohibited. The use of radio and television is allowed in moderation and, in any case, in the absolute respect of the time of silence.

11.2 Inside the structure is required a decent and respectful clothing of the sensitivity and modesty of others.

11.3. It is not allowed to damage plants and flowers.

11.4. It is not allowed to enter areas reserved for staff of the structure.

11.5 Smoking is not allowed in the rooms or in the common areas of the structure.

11.6 It is not allowed throw papers and waste out of the appropriate bins.

11.7 It is not allowed to enter with weapons, knives, sticks or tools considered blunt.

11.8 The Management, as required by the current laws of the Italian Republic, has the right to expel without notice anyone who does not comply with the regulations or behaves in such a way as to cause damage or disturbance.

11.9 The staff of the structure appointed by the Management is required to enforce the Regulations towards anyone. In the act itself af accepting hospitality in the structure, each customer also contractually agrees to submit to the authority of said staff, which is in any case obliged in turn to always respect the Laws of the Italian Republic and the principles commonly accepted by our courtesy culture and good education.


12.1 Rates are per day regardless of the time of entry.


13.1 Who causes damage to the building, movable property, equipment etc. it is held legally responsible within the framework of current regulations. Intentional theft and damage will be immediately reported. Upon departure, the staff of the structure will check the rooms and the costs for the replacement of any damage or loss of keys will be charged and will be paid at the time of check out or subsequently by bank transfer, only with the prior consent of the structure.


14.1 The Management reserves the right to modify these Regulations at any time, which will be viewable at the entrance and published on the website of the structure “”.